Bibliographie sur certaines formations |
Livres sur l’approche fondée sur les données probantes |
DUNCAN, B. L. On Becoming a Better Therapist, New-York: APA, 2010. |
DUNCAN, B. L., HUBBLE, M. A. & MILLER, S. D. Psychotherapy with Impossible Cases, New-York: Norton. 1999. |
DUNCAN, B. L. & MILLER, S. D. Le client, héros de la thérapie, Saint-Hyacinthe :
Edisem, 2003. |
HUBBLE, M. A., DUNCAN, B. L. & MILLER, S. D. The Heart & Soul of Change,
Washington: American Psychological Association, 1999. |
MILLER, S. D.. DUNCAN. B. L. & HUBBLE, M. A. Pour en finir avec Babel :
à la recherche d’un langage unificateur, St-Hyacinthe : Edisem, 2001. |
WAMPOLD, B. E. The Great Psychotherapy Debate, New-Jersey : LEA Publishers, 2001. |
Livres généraux sur l’approche brève orientée vers les solutions. |
ANDERSON, H. Conversation, language, and possibilities: a postmodern approach to therapy. New York: Basic Books, 1997. |
BANNINK, F. 1001 Solution-Focused Questions: Handbook for Solution-Focused Interviewing.
New-York : Norton, 2010. |
BORTOLINO, B., KIENER, M., & PATTERSON, R. The Therapist's Notebook on Strengths
and Solution-Based Therapies: Homework, Handouts, and Activities. New-York :
Routledge, 2009. |
CABIÉ, M.-C. & ISEBAERT, L. Pour une thérapie brève, Ramonville : Erès, 1997.
CONNIE, E. & METCALF, L. The Art of Solution Focused Therapy. New-York :
Springer, 2009.
DE SHAZER, S. Différence - Changement et thérapie brève, Bruxelles : Satas, 1996.
DE SHAZER, S. Les mots étaient à l’origine magiques, Bruxelles : Satas, 1999.
DE SHAZER, S. Clés et solutions en thérapie brève, Bruxelles : Satas, 1999.
DE SHAZER, S. Explorer les solutions en thérapie brève, Bruxelles : Satas, 2002. |
De SHAZER S., DOLAN Y., KORMAN H., TREPPER T., McCOLLUM E., BERG. Au-delà des miracles. Un état des lieux de la thérapie brève solutionniste. Bruxelles :
Satas, 2007. |
DeLONG & BERG, I.K. De l’entretien à la solution, Bruxelles : Satas, 2003. |
FRANKLIN, C, TREPPER, T. S., McCOLLUM, E. E., & GINGERICH, W. J. Solution-Focused Brief Therapy: A Handbook of Evidence-Based Practice,
New-York : Oxford, 2012. |
FURMAN, B. & AHOLA, T. Solution Talk : Hosting Therapeutic Conversations, New-York : Norton, 1992. |
LIPCHIK, E. Beyond Technique in solution-focused therapy. New-York : Guilford, 2002. |
MacDONALD, A. Solution-Focused Therapy: Theory, Research & Practice. London :
Sage, 2011. |
NELSON, T. S. (Eds.) Doing Something Different: Solution-Focused Brief Therapy
Practices. New-York : Routledge, 2010. |
O’HANLON, W.-H. Changer. Bruxelles : Satas, 2009. |
O’HANLON, W.-H. & WEINER-DAVIS, M. L’orientation vers les solutions - Une approche nouvelle en psychothérapie, Bruxelles : Satas, 1995. |
O’HANLON, W.-H. & BEADLE, S. Guide du thérapeute au pays du possible, Bruxelles : Satas, 1997. |
QUICK, E. K. Core Competencies in the Solution-Focused and Strategic Therapies:
Becoming a Highly Competent Solution-Focused and Strategic Therapist. New-York :
Routledge, 2012. |
WALTER, J.-L. & PELLER, J.-E. Becoming Solution-Focused in Brief therapy, New-York : Brunner-Mazer, 1992. |
WALTER, J.-L. & PELLER, J.-E. Recreating Brief Therapy, New-York : Norton, 2000. |
Livres sur l’approche orientée vers les solutions appliquée
à des clientèles spécifiques. |
AMJAL,Y. & REES, I. Solution in Schools: Creative applications of solution focused brief thinking with young people and adults. London BT Press, 2001. |
BANNINK, F. Handbook of Solution-Focused Conflict Management
Cambridge : Hogrefe, 2010. |
BERG, I.-K. Services axés sur la famille, Saint-Hyacinthe : Edisem, 1996.
BERG, I.-K. & KELLY, S. Des solutions à inventer dans les services à l‘enfance, St-Hyacinthe : Edisem, 2001.
BERG, I.-K. & DOLAN, Y. Récits de solution, Bruxelles : Satas, 2002.
BERG, I.-K. & MILLER, S.-D. L’alcool une approche centrée sur la solution, Bruxelles : Satas, 1998.
BERG, I.-K. & REUSS, N. H. Solutions Step by Step : A Substance Abuse Treatment Manual, New-York : Norton, 1998. |
CORCORAN, J. The Depression Solutions Workbook: A Strengths and Skills-Based Approach.
Oakland : New Harbinger, 2009. |
DOLAN, Y.-M. Guérir de l’abus sexuel et revivre, Bruxelles : Satas, 1996. |
DOLAN,Y. Beyond Survival. London: BT Press, 2000. |
DURRANT, M. Residential Treatment : A Cooperative Competency-Based Approach to Therapy and Program Design, New-York : Norton, 1991.
DURRANT, M. Stratégies pratiques en milieu scolaire, Bruxelles : Satas, 1997.
FISKE, H. Hope in Action: Solution-Focused Conversations About Suicide. New-York : Routledge, 2008. |
FURMAN, B. & AHOLA, T. Je suis capable (Guide et cahier d’exercices), Montréal: Centre de psychothérapie stratégique, 1999. |
JACOB, F. Solution focused Recovery from Eating Distress. London: BT Press, 2001. |
KRAL, R. Strategies that Work : Techniques for Solution in Schools, Milwaukee :
BFTC Press, 1988. |
LEE, M. Y., SEBOLD, J., & UKEN, A. Solution-Focused Treatment of Domestic Violence Offenders: Accountability for Change. New-York : Oxford, 2003. |
LEVY, R. & O'HANLON B. Try and make me: Simple strategies that turn off the tantrums and create co-operation. USA: Rodale Books, 2001. |
McFARLAND, B. Brief Therapy and Eating Disorders : A Practical Guide to Solution-Focused Work with Clients, New-York : Norton, 1995. |
METCALF, L. (1995) Counselling Towards Solutions: A practical solution-focused program for working with students, teachers and parents. Centre for Applied Research, New York: Simon & Schuster, 1995. |
METCALF, L. Solution Focused Group Therapy. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1998. |
O'CONNELL, B. Solution Focused Stress Counselling. London: Continuum, 2001. |
DOLAN Y.M. & PICHOT T. La thérapie brève centrée sur la solution dans les services médico-sociaux. Bruxelles : Satas, 2010. |
O’HANLON, W.-H. Les chemins de la spiritualité en thérapie, Bruxelles :
Satas, 2007. |
O’HANLON, W.-H. & HUDSON, P. Love is a Verb : How to Stop Analysing Your Relationship and Start Making it Great!, New-York : Norton, 1995. |
O’HANLON, W.-H. & HUDSON, P. Thérapie conjugale brève : réécrire les histoires d’amour, Bruxelles : Satas, 2002. |
PICHOT,T. & DOLAN,Y. Miracles Happen: Agency based solution-focused therapy with courtmandated and other reluctant clients. New York: Haworth, 2002. |
PICHOT, T. & SMOCK, S. A. Solution-Focused Substance Abuse Treatment. New-York : Routledge, 2009. |
ROWAN,T. & O'HANLON, B. Solution-Oriented Therapy for Chronic & Severe Mental Illness. New York:Wiley, 1999. |
SELEKMAN, M.-K. Pathways to Change : Brief Therapy Solutions with Difficult Adolescents, New-York : Guilford, 1993.
SELEKMAN, M.-K. Solution-Focused Therapy with Children, New-York : Guilford, 1997. |
SHARRY, J. Solution-Focused Groupwork. London: Sage, 2001. |
SIMON, J. K. Solution Focused Practice in End-of-Life and Grief Counseling. New-York : Springer, 2009. |
SIMON, J. K. & NELSON, T. S. Solution-Focused Brief Practice with Long-Term Clients in Mental Health Services: "I Am More Than My Label". New-York : Routledge, 2007. |
Livres sur l’approche narrative |
ERON, J. B. & LUND, T. W. Narrative Solutions in Brief Therapy, New-York : Guilford, 1996. |
FREEDMAN, J. & COMBS, G. Narrative Therapy , New-York : Norton, 1996. |
FREEDMAN, J., EPSTON, D. & LOBOVITS, D. Playful Approaches to Serious Problems, New-York : Norton, 1997. |
MADIGAN, S. Narrative Therapy (Theories of Psychotherapy). New-York : APA, 2010. |
MORGAN, A. What is Narrative Therapy?, Adelaïde : Dulwich Centre Publications, 2000. |
PARRY, A. & DOAN, R. E. Story Re-Visions, New-York : Guilford, 1994. |
WHITE, M. Narratives of Therapists’ Lives, Adelaïde : Dulwich Centre Publications, 1997. |
WHITE, M. Reflections on Narrative Practice, Adelaïde : Dulwich Centre Publications, 2000. |
WHITE, M. & EPSTON, D. Les moyens narratifs au services de la thérapie, Bruxelles : Satas, 2003. |
WHITE, M. Maps of Narrative Practice. New-York : Norton, 2007. |
Livres sur la thérapie brève |
O’HANLON, W.-H. Thérapie hors du commun, Bruxelles : Satas, 2001. |
TALMON, M. Single Session Solutions, New-York : Addison-Wesley, 1993. |
WATZLAWICK, Faites vous-même votre malheur, Paris : Seuil,1984. |
WATZLAWICK, Comment réussir à échouer ? Paris : Seuil,1988. |
WATZLAWICK, P., WEAKLAND, J. & FISCH, R.. Changements, paradoxes et psychothérapie, Paris : Seuil,1973. |
ERICKSON, M. L’hypnose thérapeutique, Paris : ESF, 1986. |
GODIN, J. La nouvelle hypnose, Paris : Albin-Michel, 1992. |
O’HANLON, W.-H. & MARTIN, M. L’hypnose orientée vers les solutions, Bruxelles : Satas, 1995. |
Livres sur la technique EMDR |
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